Like Minded Females

Like Minded Females was created over night one spring evening, driving back from a young professionals-membership club when we had a light bulb moment; females wanted a community of like-minded individuals, who looked and felt like them, where they could connect, empower and share knowledge, without having to pay the hefty price tag or focus on formalities.

We wanted an ordinary network, ran by ordinary females, who could relate to one another and experiences.

We wanted role models with relevant stories and females who were diverse.

We started the community over night, creating a group and our brunch social, and have since engaged with over 12,000 online and offline, for whom we create the relevant social-networking opportunities.

Some of our favourite 2018 events include brunch & become sessions, how to self promote panel event and the challenges of being a female founder Q&A.

In 2019, we will launch our Tech Lab and empower females in tech, globally!

Sonya Barlow & Jui Joshi.

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